Sunday 20 June 2010

Stuff n Stuff

yeah these are the pictures i was on about in the last post

How It All Worked Out

So i've finnished collage now, which makes me happy and sad, and I got super dooper strait distinctions which totaly vindicates my decision to waste my first year and not try hard. So if your going to college then just put your feet up and things will work themselves out in the end. With regards to my exibition, it went well. Nobody wanted to buy my work apart from my mam but it was probably my fave thing at the show. I was dissapointed that nobody took my little gift bags though, i think people thought they were sacred or something even though i'd wrote on each bag in big black letters 'NOTHING IS SACRED', so bummer but anyhoo... I got a couple of pics of me stood near my work and ill add them later when i don't have the distraction of my team losing on television.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Faith in Chaos - more hot shit

The above pictures, taken in the studio, are also going to form an important part of the aforementioned exhibition. Probably.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Faith in Chaos

I'm working on a bunch of ideas that will form my FMP and become part of my end of year exhibition. In the same way that WB Yeates used the idea of impending Armageddon as a veil for his fears about the climate in post first world war Europe in his poem 'The Second Coming' or the way Johnny Cash used Biblical imagery and references as he pondered his own mortality in 'When the Man Comes Around' I wanted to create a quest for signs of the return of Christ, of an impending Apocalypse gathered by a fictitious third person as a means to deal with my own reflections on ageing, on the world i will pass on to my children and on the daily grind of washing the pots. My aim is to explore the idea of the Book of Revelations becoming a cautionary tale through literal photographic interpretation and the subliminal fingering of our primal concerns whilst using a pallet of colours symbolic of the key factors i will explore e.g. white=mortality, black=death/oil, red=Armageddon, Apocalypse.

Thursday 17 December 2009

The Wasp's Nest


The title for my current project came from a conversation I had with a police officer that went something like this -

Me - "officer, i've been burgled"

Officer - "what do you expect? Your living in the wasp's nest"

So here are a small selection of the pictures i have taken in and around the "wasps nest". The images will be coupled with extracts from some accompanying poetry to form a book for my latest college project. I think the town is an honest town so I have tried to be honest with my depiction of it.

'View From Peep'

'Rubbish 26'


The factories mass produce clouds for a living,
they blend with the buildings,
the colours seem fitting,
their purpose is stark,
that we're kept in the dark,
or we might start queuing for trains at the station.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

White Men Can't Be Bothered

They had bolted the basket ball net to a lamp post in an alleyway which was great because it meant we didn't have to play on the public court and get called honky by the black kids or get laughed at by the girls because of the colour of our legs or get jeered every time we shot a brick. So we donned our shorts and shot some hoops. We weren't as fit as we used to be and before long we were grasping our sides and gasping for air. Added to this, i got glass in my foot. There were no winners in that game.

Wet Dreams and Nightmares

Here are some shots from a surrealism project i worked on in my first year at college. I named the project 'Wet Dreams and Nightmares' and the concept was to take a slumber time journey from the erotic to the bizarre and even terrifying. The project has since become something that i work on in my spare time with the view to creating a complete piece which will blend photography, fine art and literature.